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Building safety is changing - are you ready?

Updated: Dec 22, 2022

Early morning, 14th June 2017, a somewhat innocuous fire within a fridge freezer starts in a flat on the fourth floor of a London tower block. This small fire will lead to one of Britain’s deadliest fires.

The tragic events at Grenfell Tower were the catalyst for a public enquiry and a root and branch review of building regulations and fire safety in England. Scroll forward five years and the Building Safety Act is here, bringing with it a seismic shift in building safety that will impact all projects at every level.

It’s difficult to distil 229 pages of legislation into three words, difficult, but we’ll give it a go:

  • Responsibility

  • Competency

  • Accountability

Whilst the most stringent rules apply to higher risk buildings, these three key components will, in some way, affect everyone involved in the design, construction, and management of buildings, no matter of the size or type.

Change from the status quo can be uncomfortable, but we must challenge ourselves, as Winston Chruchill said,

"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."

C3 Design Approvals are fortunate to have such a talented team and are committed to the continued provision of a proactive and professional service that collaboratively supports compliance.

If you would like to discuss how we can support, you and your project then please get in touch

To find out more, visit the Health and Safety Executives website* via the link below:

* C3 Design Approvals accept no liability for the content etc. of external websites which are accessed at your own risk.

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