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Building Regulation Changes - June 2022

Please contact us to discuss submission of your application before the 15th June ...

There are some important changes to the building regulations and supporting guidance happening in June this year. The changes are made via The Building Regulations etc. (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2021. This amendment to the Building Regulations 2010 applies to: -

  • New and existing dwellings

  • New and existing non-domestic buildings

  • With regards the new Part O on overheating, all new residential buildings


The new regulations and guidance will come into force on the 15th June 2022.

The Government has allowed for a transitional period whereby the current, rather than the new regulations, may be followed if,

  • A building regs application is made before 15th June 2022

  • Work starts* before 15th June 2023

* For applications with multiple buildings, a start on site, typically foundations or drainage associated with the building, must be made for individual buildings.


  • Part L - Conservation of fuel and power: New Apporved Documents which combine guidance for newly constructed and work on existing buildings into single documents (Volume 1 for domestic, Volume 2 for other buildings). Amongst the many changes are a reduction in CO2 targets, and uplift fabric U values, increased air pressure testing requirements, and the introduction of energy usage targets.

  • Part F - Ventilation: The existing Approved Document F will become two documents, Volume 1 for dwellings and Volume 2 for buildings other than dwellings, with a focus on improving indoor air quality.

  • Part O - This is a new Regulation with supporting guidance on how to comply provided with a new Approved Document. Applicable to residential uses, the regulation seeks to limit overheating from solar gains.

  • Part S - This is a new Regulation with supporting guidance on how to comply provided with a new Approved Document and requires charging infrastructure for electric vehicles to be installed.


We fully support the aims of the new regulations, however we recognise that these changes may have an impact on the design, cost plan and programme of your project(s). There is still opportunity to meet the requirements of the transitional provisions and therefore secure your project under the current regulations, but the deadline to do so is fast approaching.

Please contact us to discuss submission of your application before the 15th June

01785 330 303

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