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We have expertise in fire safety matters in relation to the design, construction and management of buildings.  


Our Fire Risk Assessment and selected consultancy services are provided by highly experienced and qualified professionals. 

What is a Fire Risk Assessment?


There is a legal requirement to undertake a Fire Risk Assessment in nearly all commercial buildings, and the certain parts of residential buildings. This legal requirement is set out in The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.


The Fire Safety Order requires reasonable steps to be taken to reduce the risk from fire and to ensure that people can safely escape out of the building.  To meet the relevant requirements of the Order, the responsible person must carry out a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment to enable the safe occupation of the building. The risk assessment is a live document that should be up to date always and consider any changes within the building.


A responsible person must:


  • carry out a fire risk assessment of the premises and review it regularly

  • tell staff or their representatives about the risks have been identified

  • put in place, and maintain, appropriate fire safety measures

  • plan for an emergency

  • provide staff information, fire safety instruction and training


The Fire Risk Assessment we produce for you will help you meet your legal obligation under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

What We Offer

  • Fire Risk Assessments 

  • Fire Stopping Inspections

  • Compliance Audits  

Registered Building Control Approver No. RBCP01618S5D                    Registered in England & Wales No. 10747532



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